Parent Information
General Information
To report an absence, please call our automated attendance line at 328-5913.
Para reportar una ausencia, llame a nuestra línea de asistencia automatizada al 328-5913
7:50am - 2:50pm
Tardy after 8:00a.m.
Absent after 8:10a.m.
Breakfast 7:35a.m.
Before school supervision starts at 7:35a.m.
After-school supervision ends at 3:00 p.m.
To help minimize the cost of school supplies for families, District 11 will provide each student a basic supply starter kit customized for each grade level. Below are the supplemental supply lists Keller ES is asking families to bring in.
Para ayudar a minimizar el costo de los útiles escolares para las familias, el Distrito 11 proporcionará a cada estudiante un kit básico de suministros personalizados para cada nivel de grado. A continuación se encuentran las listas de suministros suplementarios que Keller ES pide a las familias que traigan.
Classroom Supply List 2024-2025 - Lista de útiles para el aula 2024-2025
Board of Education Information
Pre-Enrollment (Click)
Apply to a school of Choice (not neighborhood school)
Fill out the Choice application that best meets your needs
Do you want to "CHOICE" your child to Keller Elementary?
Go to this form: English - Choice In Form
¿Quiere "elegir" a su hijo en la escuela de primaria Keller?
Vaya un este formulario:Español – elección en Forma
Information about preschool
Información sobre preescolar
For more information, call 719-520-2540
District 11 Family Resources
Webex Guide for Parents
The D11 Loop and Mobile App
CSSD11 Free/Reduced Lunch Application Site
Free & Reduced Online Application: Click here to apply for school meals quickly and confidentially.
Revised School Board Policies:
Colorado public schools are required to update and submit to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) a plan for improvement of instruction. Our school's most recent version on file with CDE is available at:
Keller ES continuously improves instruction and our plan is revised regularly as we receive updated, relevant information. The most up-to-date plan is available upon request from the school principal.
Scan your receipt - Box Tops for Education
Each Boxtop is worth 10¢ and they add up fast!
(Still accepting clipped Boxtops in the office)